2019 rok

Resolution No. 31/2019 adopted by the Senate of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences on the 26th of April 2019

concerning the rules for charging fees for the provision of educational services for full-time and part-time BA/BSc, MA/MSc and long-cycle master’s students as well as the procedure and conditions for exemption from payment of the aforementioned fees

Based on the Art. 79 and Art. 80 par. 2 of the Act issued on the 20th of July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1668, as amended) and §104 par. 2 of the statute of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, it was decided as follows:

§ 1

1. The Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences charges fees for educational services connected with:

 1) educating students of part-time studies;

2) taking selected subjects constituting a part of full-time studies again due to unsatisfactory educational results;

3) education connected to studies conducted in a foreign language;

4) conducting classes not included in the programme of study (except for classes supplementing the learning outcomes necessary to undertake MA/MSc studies in a specific field of full-time studies),

5) education of foreigners at full-time studies in Polish.

2. Irrespective of the fees indicated in par. 1 the students are obliged to pay fees for issuing documents connected to the course of studies covering the amount specified in the relevant regulation issued by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, it applies, in particular, to:

1) issuance of a student identification card and its duplicate,

2) issuance of a copy of the graduation diploma in a foreign language and a copy of the diploma supplement in a foreign language, other than the one issued based on  the Art. 77 par. 2 of the Act issued on the 20th of July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science,

3) issuance of a duplicate of the graduation diploma and a duplicate of the diploma supplement,

4) issuance of documents connected to the course or graduation of studies, other than graduation diplomas and diploma supplements, their copies and duplicates as well as certificates of graduation, for legal purposes to be used in foreign countries, certified upon the request of the person concerned.

3. The University does not charge the fees indicated in par. 1 point 5, in reference to the foreigners referred to in the Art. 324 par. 2 of the Act issued on the 20th of  July 2018 - Law on Higher Education and Science.

4. The foreigners referred to in par. 3 are obliged to pay the fees mentioned in par. 1 points 2 and 4 following the terms applicable to Polish citizens.

§ 2

1. The planned cost of classes for a particular academic year constitutes grounds for determining the payment for studies and educational services specified in § 1 par. 1.

2. The planned cost of classes is determined based on the calculation of the costs of education. The calculation of the costs of educational services included in § 1 par. 1 is prepared by the dean on the basis of the cost of one didactic hour calculated by the bursarship using the data generated from USOS.

3. The vice-rector for student affairs and education is responsible for supervision over the determination of the costs of education connected to full-time and part-time studies in cooperation with the bursarship.

4. The fees referred to in § 1 par. 1 shall not exceed the costs necessary to establish and conduct studies as well as prepare and implement the university's strategy.

5. The rules concerning calculating the planned cost of the classes referred to in par. 1 is determined in Attachment 1 to this resolution.

6. The amount of fees for educational services for a particular stage of education is determined by the rector who issues instruction after obtaining the opinion of the student government, not later than by the end of April each year.

7. The amount of the fees referred to in par. 1 points 1-3 and 5 effective during the academic year when a student is admitted to studies shall not be changed until the completion of studies.

8. In case of individuals resuming studies, the fees referred to in par. 1, in the amount applicable to the stage of education for which the resumption are charged.

§ 3

1. The fees indicated in § 1 par. 1 should be paid in full in Polish zlotys to the account determined by the university no later than 1 day prior to the beginning of the semester.

2. The dean may postpone the payment date by a maximum of 14 days in particularly justified cases.

3. The date of payment of the fee is understood as the date on which the amount is credited on the account indicated by the university.

4. Failure to pay the fee within the determined time limit or making only a partial payment may serve as the grounds for removal from the list of students, after the unsuccessful expiry of the additional time limit indicated by the university for payment of fee, this additional term cannot be longer than 14 days.

5. Failure to pay the fees indicated in § 1 par. 1, within the prescribed period, shall result in the obligation to pay statutory interest for each day of delay.

6. Removal from the list of students does not release the student from the obligation to pay the outstanding fee together with interest.

7. Failure to pay the outstanding fees with interest, after receiving the final request for payment, may result in the case being brought to the court.

8. The title of the bank transfer should include as follows: name and surname of the student, the name of the field of study and the type of fee paid.

9. The University does not bear the costs connected to the payment of fees (for example, transfer costs).

10. The University is not responsible for the consequences of incorrect classification of the payment, resulting from circumstances the payer is liable for, in particular due to entering an incorrect bank account number, lack of  or incorrect specification of the student's name and surname, name of the field of study, type and amount of the fee paid.

11.The student has to notify the university when it comes to any changes in their personal data, including correspondence address. The consequences of failure to satisfy this obligation shall be borne by the student, in particular, correspondence sent to the student's address for correspondence, recently provided to the university, shall be deemed effectively delivered.

§ 4

1. Students who achieve outstanding academic results or outstanding artistic or sports achievements, in particular those who receive minister's scholarship, participated in international scholarship programmes, with the exception of Erasmus + inter-university exchange programme have the right to apply for an exemption from part of the fees specified in § 1 section 1 points 1, 3 and 5 in the amount of not more than 50%.

2. A student who has completed at least the first year of studies can apply for exemption from part of the fees referred to in par. 1 points 1, 3 and 5 . The student has to submit an application together with a justification and documents confirming the achievements approved by the dean to the appropriate vice-rector. The aforementioned application should be submitted no later than one week prior to the start of the semester.

3. The decision on exemption from fees is issued by the appropriate vice-rector.

4. The student has the right to appeal to the rector against the decision made by the vice-rector within 14 days from the date of delivery of the decision.

5. The decision issued by the rector is final.

§ 5

1. In particularly justified cases caused by a difficult financial situation and upon the student’s request,  the fees indicated in § 1 par. 1 items 1, 3 and 5 may be divided into two instalments by the dean.

2. The student is obliged to submit the application addressed to the relevant dean together with the justification and documents confirming his or her difficult financial situation. The aforementioned application should be submitted no later than two weeks prior to the start of the semester.

3. The decision concerning the payment of fees in instalments is issued by the dean.

4. The first instalment should be paid no later than 1 day prior to the beginning of the semester. The second instalment should be paid no later than: before the 10th of December in case of winter semester, before the 10th of May in case of summer semester.

§ 6

1. Fees for educational services are reimbursed for the period when the student did not participate in studies, this includes the following situations: obtaining permission concerning leave, being removed from the list of students, graduating early, resigning from studies.

2. The reimbursement of the fee for the period when the student did not participate in studies is proportional to the aforementioned period, calculated after the date of: obtaining permission concerning leave from classes, being removed from the list of students, graduating or submitting a written notification to the dean's office concerning resignation.

3. In case of removal from the list of students due to failure undertake studies as a result of not taking the oath, the fee referred to in § 1 par. 1 points 1, 3 and 5 shall be fully refundable.

4. The fee referred to in § 1 par. 1 points 1, 3 and 5, in case of taking courses from a particular semester again, may not be higher than the fee for the discussed semester.

§ 7

1. Deans are responsible for the implementation of a resolution.

2. The vice-rector for student affairs and education is responsible for supervision over the implementation of the resolution.

§ 8

1. Resolution No. 107/2014 adopted by the Senate of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences on the 25th of September 2014 on the introduction of the rules for charging fees for the provision of educational services, the procedure and conditions for exemption from the aforementioned fees and the introduction of model agreements for the provision of the discussed services is repealed.

2. Agreements for the provision of educational services concluded until the 2018/2019 academic year inclusive pursuant to the Resolution No. 107/2014 adopted by the Senate of the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences on the 25th of September 2014 on the introduction of the rules for charging fees for the provision of educational services, the procedure and conditions for exemption from the aforementioned fees and the introduction of model agreements for the provision of the discussed services shall remain in force until their expiry.

§ 9

The resolution comes into force on the date of its adoption effective since the 1st of October 2019. 

Chairman of the Senate

prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Trziszka

Pliki do pobrania

  • Pliki do pobrania
    Wytworzył: Tadeusz Trziszka Data wytworzenia: 26-04-2019
    Opublikowane przez: Aleksandra Pomian Data publikacji: 07-02-2023 15:17
    Liczba pobrań: 57

    Calculations of costs of didactic classes

Historia wersji
Wytworzył: Tadeusz Trziszka
Data wytworzenia: 26-04-2019
Opublikowane przez: Aleksandra Pomian
Data publikacji: 07-02-2023 15:00
Ostatnio zaktualizował: Aleksandra Pomian
Data ostatniej aktualizacji: 07-02-2023 15:17