Konkursy stypendialne

Scholarship for student/ PhD student within Move’n’Sense project


- student of second year of Master Programme in sociology, geography or related sciences or a PhD student with a research topic and interests related to the project
- high motivation to do research and work in academia, participate in conferences, prepare scientific publications
- basic knowledge of quantitative or qualitative research methods
- basic knowledge about interviews as a qualitative research method, which includes preparation and conducting interviews, coding interviews using specific software, and interpretation of results and preferably experience in conducting scientific research with the use of qualitative methods
- interest in concepts related to mobilities, people-place connections, and cross-border regions
- knowledge of English at least at B2+ level enabling effective communication and writing scientific texts (English is a project language)
- Knowledge of the German or Ukrainian language is welcome
- ability to independently perform assigned tasks in accordance with the agenda, e.g. interviews
- ability to work in a team

Opis zadań:

The student/PhD student will take part in the project "Sense of place and mobility in cross-border contexts – essentialist and progressive perspectives" and will analyze different mobility patterns in the cross-border area. Cross border regions provide very specific mobility patterns, which include virtual mobility through communication means and social media, and corporal mobility. These movements in border regions are strongly linked to people-place connections, which can act as push and pull factors, and simultaneously be shaped by mobilities. The student’s/PhD candidate’s research will mainly contribute to a more profound understanding of different types of mobilities in a border region. The empirical research will be carried out in 4 German-Polish border towns: Frankfurt (Oder)- Slubice and Guben-Gubin, and is based on interviews and participatory mapping methods.
For more information about the project please see: https://movensense.web.leuphana.de/
The tasks of the student/PhD student in the project include:
- Collaborating in the synthesis of results about the relationship between the mobility and place-related issues with the help of statistical methods
- Collaborating with the research team to analyze the interviews and develop a typology of mobility patterns in the cross-border area
- Collaborating with the research team in the comparative analysis of qualitative findings with quantitative results and further development of the typology of mobility patterns.

What we offer:
- collaboration in young international research project
- collaboration with international network of leading researchers in the respective fields
- support in academic career
- great and dynamic team which is enthusiastic about their research topic
- openness to include your own research interests

Typ konkursu NCN: BEETHOVEN – HS
Termin składania ofert: 24 maja 2024, 23:59
Forma składania ofert: email
Warunki zatrudnienia:

Terms of employment:
We offer a scholarship of PLN 5,000 (net) per month. The scholarship will be awarded in accordance with the Rules for Awarding Scientific Fellowships in Research Projects funded by National Science Centre. The duration of the scholarship is 7 months. We offer the opportunity to gain experience in an international research project and to prepare a PhD thesis within the project, as well as to participate in conferences and publications. The NCN Research Fellowship may be combined with other fellowships and indemnities financed from NCN's funds and awarded as part of more than one research project, however, the total amount of fellowships and indemnities received may not exceed PLN 5000 per month.

Dodatkowe informacje:

Additional information:
Required documents in English:
1. Motivation letter
2. Certificate of being a student/ PhD student
3. CV (including scientific achievements and achievements resulting from conducting scientific research: scientific publications, scholarships, internships, awards or prizes, workshops or trainings, participation in projects)
Persons interested in working on the project are requested to send their documents to the PI, Dr. Eng. Iga Kołodyńska at the e-mail address: iga.kolodynska@upwr.edu.pl.

Klauzula informacyjna dla kandydatów na pracowników biorących udział w procesie rekrutacji znajduje się na stronie internetowej uczelni.
Uczelnia respektuje politykę równowagi płci oraz dopuszczenie odstępstw od porządku chronologicznego w życiorysie – w celu umożliwienia kandydatom/kandydatkom podążającym wielowymiarową ścieżką kariery – składanie życiorysów wspartych dowodami, które odzwierciedlają reprezentatywną gamę osiągnięć i kwalifikacji mających znaczenie w kontekście stanowiska, o które się ubiegają.

W celu otrzymania dodatkowych informacji dot. rozstrzygnięcia konkursu prosimy o kontakt pod adresem: centrum.rozliczania@upwr.edu.pl.

Historia wersji
Wytworzył: Iga Kołodyńska
Data wytworzenia: 21-05-2024
Opublikowane przez: Maciej Kutkowski
Data publikacji: 21-05-2024 08:00
Ostatnio zaktualizował: Zbigniew Gęsikiewicz
Data ostatniej aktualizacji: 19-06-2024 09:31