Konkursy stypendialne

Konkurs stypendialny - stypendysta do projektu BEETHOVEN CLASSIC 4

Instytut Gospodarki Przestrzennej Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu poszukuje stypendystę do projektu BEETHOVEN CLASSIC 4finansowanego przez Narodowe Centrum Nauki pt. „Znaczenie miejsca i mobilność w kontekście transgranicznym - perspektywa esencjalistyczna i progresywna”, którego kierownikiem jest dr inż. Iga Kołodyńska.


  • interest in sense of place, mobility patterns and cross-border regions;
  • ability to independently perform assigned tasks in accordance with the project agenda;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • basic GIS skills are welcomed;
  • knowledge of English at least at B2+ level enabling effective communication;
  • presence in Wrocław at least 2 days a week.

Job Description:
The student will take part in the project "Sense of place and mobility in cross-border contexts – essentialist and progressive perspectives" and explore sense of place creation and mobility pattern in cross border cities: Frankfurt-Słubice and Guben-Gubin. For more information about the project please see: https://movensense.web.leuphana.de/

The tasks of the scholarship recipient in the project include:

  • Spatial data analysis in GIS environment;
  • Taking part in the field trips;
  • Promotion of project activities.

Typ konkursu NCN: BEETHOVEN – HS
Termin składania ofert: 27 września 2024, 15:00
Forma składania ofert: email

Terms of employment:
We offer a scholarship of PLN 3,420 (net) per month. The scholarship will be awarded in accordance with the Rules for Awarding Scientific Fellowships in Research Projects funded by National Science Centre. The duration of the scholarship is from 01.10.2024 to 16.12.2024. We offer the opportunity to gain experience in an international research project. The NCN Research Fellowship may be combined with other fellowships and indemnities financed from NCN's funds and awarded as part of more than one research project, however, the total amount of fellowships and indemnities received may not exceed PLN 5000 per month

Additional information:

Required documents in English:
1. Certificate of being a student
2. CV (including scientific achievements and achievements resulting from conducting scientific research: scientific publications, scholarships, internships, awards or prizes, workshops or trainings, participation in projects)

Persons interested in working on the project are requested to send their documents to the project manager, Dr. Eng. Iga Kołodyńska at the e-mail address: iga.kolodynska@upwr.edu.pl.

Klauzula informacyjna dla kandydatów na pracowników biorących udział w procesie rekrutacji znajduje się na stronie internetowej uczelni.

Historia wersji
Wytworzył: Iga Kołodyńska
Data wytworzenia: 24-09-2024
Opublikowane przez: Zbigniew Gęsikiewicz
Data publikacji: 26-09-2024 07:00
Ostatnio zaktualizował: Zbigniew Gęsikiewicz
Data ostatniej aktualizacji: 26-09-2024 07:56